This would include the wars of German and Italian unification and the Crimean War in Europe, and the Mexican-American War and Civil War in North America.
Victorian Era: One step beyond Fall of the Samurai's era, this would deal with the conflicts in the world from 1820-1900. Mongolian music is also unique and would be draw a strong impression on maps. They also dealt with their conquered peoples in various ways, from total destruction to peaceful integration. The mongols revolutionized warfare and also looked totally rad while doing it. There is so much potential to visit various lands and cultures.
The mongols conquered lands from Siberia to South Asia, from Korea to Hungary. Three Kingdoms was a welcome and impressive addition to the list. I don't want to see a Rome III or Shogun 3. I think what I want the most from ''Total War'' at this point is to explore new eras and locations.